The Monmarché Family
Since Pierre (18 months old) began LEMP 2 months ago, he clears his plate from the table after dinner, says thank you without prompting, and meticulously chooses one activity at a time in his playroom at home while enjoying helping mum clean up afterwards. His voracious appetite for learning and exploring his environment is the enduring essence of an LEMP pupil; I know this because his older brother attended this school for 4 wonderful years.
LEMP was the main reason we decided to stay in Ghana and why I resigned from my demanding career. Having content, well-adjusted children in the fundamental first 6 years of their life became our priority and goal. Thanks to a culture of learning which extends to the insightful and regular parenting forums as well as a principal who is always available for her parents, that goal has become tangible.
I look forward to dropping Pierre off at school in the mornings; to see the smiling faces of the caring and devoted staff and to see my little boy confidently, happily and eagerly step into his bilingual classroom. Any one of his teachers are then able to provide me with a detailed account of Pierre’s day during pick-up; his favourite colours, activities, what made him smile, cry, or laugh that day. This is priceless. It’s the reason why I would choose this school again and again.
Maryse Monmarche